Thursday, April 30, 2009

Uses of Ammonia

• Repel Moths – Annoying kitchen moths seem to come out of nowhere! Send them back to wherever they came from by washing drawers, pantry shelves or cupboards with ½ cup of ammonia diluted in 1 liter of water .Leave drawers and cabinets open to thoroughly air-dry.

• Remove stains from clothing – Ammonia is great for cleaning clothes . Here are some ways you can use it to remove a variety of stains. Make sure you dilute ammonia with at least 50 per cent water before applying it to silk, wool or spandex

1. Rub out perspiration, blood and urine stains on clothing by dabbing the area with a Half strength solution of ammonia and water before laundering .

2. Remove most non-oily stains by making a mixture of equal parts ammonia, water and dishwashing liquid . Put it in empty spray bottle, shake well, and then apply directly to the stain. Let it set for to 3 minutes before rising out.

3. To remove pencil marks from clothing, use a few drops of undiluted ammonia and then rinse. If that doesn’t work, put a little laundry detergent onto the stain and rinse again.

4. You can even remove washed in paint stains from clothes by saturating them several times with Half ammonia, Half turpentine solution, and then tossing them into the wash.

5. Clean Carpet and upholstery- Lift out stains from carpeting and upholstery by sponging them with 1 cup of clear ammonia in two liter of warm water. Allow to dry thoroughly, and repeat if needed.

• Brighten up Windows – Dirty grimy windows can make any house look dingy. But it is easy wipe away to dirt, fingerprints soot and dust covering your windows. Just wipe them down within soft cloth dampened with a solution of 1 cup of clear ammonia in cups of water. Your windows will not only be crystal clear, but streak free to boot.

• Clean Bathroom tiles – Make bathroom tiles sparkle again – and kill mildew by sponging them with ¼ cup of ammonia in 4 liters of water.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uses of Aluminum foil

I read some fantastic and innovative uses of aluminum foil. It’s easily available in everybody’s kitchen. So try it on your risk, if you like, share it with others
  • Polish your silver – If silverware is looking a bit dull, try cleaning it using an ion exchange-a molecular reaction in which aluminum acts as a catalyst. Simply line a dish with a sheet of aluminum foil, fill it with cold water and two teaspoons of salt. Drop your tarnished silverwar4e into the solution, let it sit 2 to 3 minutes, then rinse off and dry.

  • Sharpen your scissors – Fold the silver foil strips into several layers and start cutting. Seven or eight passes should do the trick .Pretty simple.

  • Move furniture with ease – To slide big pieces of furniture over a smooth floor, place mall pieces of aluminum foil under the legs of the furniture .Have the dull side of the file facing downwards, as the dull side is actually more slippery than the shiny side.

  • Clean your iron- Is starch building up on your clothes iron and causing it to stick? To get, rid of it, run your hot iron over a piece of aluminum foil.

  • Keep a paintbrush wet – If you’r going to continue painting tomorrow morning, don’t bother to clean the brush – just squeeze out the excess paint and wrap it tightly in aluminium foil. Use a rubber band to hold the foil tightly at the base of the handle .For extended wet/ /brush storage,toss the wrapped brush in the freezer.But don’t forget to defrost it for an hour or so before you start painting again the next day.