Wednesday, November 25, 2009


  • Rub Out Heavy Sink Stains – Get rid of those stubborn stains even rust in your stainless steel or porcelain sink. Make a paste of 1 cup of borax and ¼ cup of lemon juice .Put some of the paste on a cloth or sponge and rub it into the stain, then rinse with running warm water. The stain should wash away with the paste.

  • Clean Windows And Mirrors – To get windows and mirrors spotless and streak less, just wash them with a clean sponge dipped in 2 tablespoons of borax dissolved in 3 cups of water.

  • Eliminate Urine Odour On Mattresses – Toilet training can be a rough experience for all parties involved. If your child has an accident in bed, here’s how to get rid of any lingering smell. Dampen the area, and then rub in some borax. Let it dry then vacuum up the powder.


  • Unstick a drawer – If desk and drawer get stick then does not worry rub a white candle on the runners. The drawers will open smoothly when it slip back in place .This idea gives more life your furniture’s functions.

  • Mend the shoelace ends – when the pin or plastic come off the end of the shoelace don’t through that lace you can make also this is temporary new .Just dip the end into melted candle wax and the lace will hold until you can buy a new one. Use it. Idea.

  • For noisy door quiet – If a squeaky door is became a problem, take it off hinges and rub a candle (any color) over the hinge surfaces that they are touch to each other.

Chest Rub (Vick’s vapor)

  • To repulse and other insects – When you are going bush area either marinating your garden . you can smear some chest rub on your legs and other uncovered body parts before you leave the house. It will keep ticks from biting and may spare you from getting Lyme disease, which is spread by ticks. When mosquitoes and other insects biting us they will left. They hate the smell.

  • Stop insects – bite itch fast – apply generous coat of chest rub after biting insects for itchy insect bites. The eucalyptus and menthol in the ointment are what do the trick. But it is on your risk if you feel some uneasy then do not use it.

  • Clear up pimples – If you have pimples you also use on it .Smear gently on your pimple area for all night .It should be dried the up the morning .The chest rub dehydrates the pimples and absorbs the oil.

  • Make calluses disappear – Gently spread calluses with chest rub and then cover them with suitable sized band aid overnight. Repeat the procedure as needed.

  • Soothe aching feet – When we had long walk for long time we became tired and over feet much then our body they aching after that, apply this rub on our feet and cover with our any kind of socks before going to bed. When you wake up you feel your feet will soft and rejuvenated.
  • Care of Toenail fungus – If you have a toenail fungus, apply chest rub daily several times on a day till then it should not be treat. It is harmless treatment and swear that it works .If you feel it is not effective go to doctor and consults any dermatologist.

Corn flour

  • Make your own paste – Mix 3 teaspoons of corn flour for every 4 teaspoons of cold water .Stir it makes paste. We can also add any food color in it this is a good stick thing.

  • Untangle knots – Knots or shoelaces can be difficult to undo, but don’t worry it is easy now. Sprinkle little bit corn flour on the knots. It will then easy to work the segments part.

  • Clean mark of burn – If you have any burn marks on your shirt you can remove it with corn flour .firstly wet that area and cover it with corn flour. Allow the corn flour to dry, and then brush it away along with the burn marks.

  • Remove grease splash from walls – Sprinkle corn flour onto a soft cotton cloth, then rub it gently on grease splash, until it disappears.

  • Remove ink stain from rugs and carpet – Mix milk with corn flour to make a paste. Apply the paste to the ink stain. Allow the mixture to dry on the carpet for a few hours, then brush it and dried mixture keep aside and vacuum it up.

  • Carpets give fresh scent – Sprinkle a little corn flour on your carpeting. Wait for half an hour then vacuum it.

  • Soak extra oil on polished furniture- when your furniture polished finished .Just sprinkle corn flour lightly on furniture then wipe it very gently .Extra oil comes and furniture begun to shine. But remind that furniture polish should be dried before doing this trick.

  • Get rid of Bloodstains – Normally bloodstains remove simple wash but it is possible on same time but after sometime bloodstain not remove easily when it dried .Make a paste of corn flour mixed with cold water. Cover the spot with the corn flour paste and rub it gently into the fabric. Now cloth put on sunlight to dry .Once dry, brush off the remaining part. If stain remains apply this method again.

  • Polish you silver ware – Corn flour and water mix with very well using with a wet cloth took some mixture in cloth and gently rub on silver ware, wait for let it dry, then rub it another dry and clean cloth. Silver ware becomes new.

Bicarbonate of Soda

Clean Baby Bottles And Accessories
Keep all your baby bottles, teats, caps and brushes “baby fresh” by soaking them overnight in a container filled with hot water and half a box of bicarbonate of soda. Make sure you give everything a good rinsing after wards, and dry thoroughly before using. Baby bottles can also be boiled in a full of pot of water and 3 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda for 3 minute

Clean A Chopping Board
Keep your wooden or plastic chopping board clean by occasionally scrubbing it with a paste made from 1 tablespoon each of bicarbonate of soda, salt and water. Rinse thoroughly with hot water and allow air-drying.

Clear A Clogged Drain
Most kitchen drain can be unclogged by pouring in 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda followed by 1 cup of hot vinegar (heat it in the microwave for 1 minute). Give it several minutes to work, and then add 1 litter of boiling water. Repeat if necessary. If you know your drain is clogged with grease, use ½ cup each of bicarb and salt followed by 1 cup of boiling water .Let the mixture work overnight, then rinse with hot tap water in the morning.

Bake Better Beans
Adding a pinch of bicarbonate of soda to baked beans as they’re cooking will significantly reduce their gas producing properties.

Boost potency of dishwashing liquid
Looking for a more powerful dishwashing liquid? Try adding 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda to the usual amount of liquid you use, and watch it cut through grease like a hot knife.

Clean you’re Microwave
To clean those splatters off the inside of your microwave, put a solution of 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in 1 cup of water in a microwave safe container and cook on high for 2 to 3 minute. Remove the container from the microwave and then wipe down the moist interior with damp paper towel.

Remove Coffee and Tea stains from china
Remove them by dipping a moist cloth in bicarbonate of soda to from a stiff paste and gently rubbing your cups and saucers. Rinse clean and then dry.

Clean A Thermos
Mix ¼ cup of bicarb in 1 liter of water. Fill the thermos with the solution if necessary, give it a going over with a bottle brush to loosen things up – and let it soak over night .Rinse clean before using.

Get Rid Of Grease Stains On Stovetops
To get rid of grease stains , first wet then with a little water and cover them with a bit of carbonate of soda . Then the stains off with a damp sponge.

Remove Stains From Non Stick Cookware
It may be called Non Stick cook ware, but a few of those stains seem to be stuck on pretty well ,Blast them away by boiling 1 cup of water mixed with 2 table spoons of bicarb of soda and ½ cup of vinegar for 10 minutes .Then wash in hot, soapy water. Rinse well and allow drying, then season with a bit of olive oil.

Remove Crayon Marks from Walls
Has a small child redecorated your walls or wallpaper with some original artworks in crayon? Don’t loose your cool, just grab a damp rag, dip it some bicarbonate of soda and lightly scrub the marks. They should come off with a minimum of effort.

Cool Off Sunburn And Other Skin Irritations
For quick relief of sunburn pain, soak gauze pads or large cotton balls in a solution of 4 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed in 1 cup of water and apply it to the affected areas. For bad sunburn on your legs or torso or to relieve the itching of chicken pox –take a Luke warm bath with a half to a full box of bicarbonate of soda added to the running water .To ease the sting of razor burns, dab your skin with a cotton ball soaked in a solution of 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda in 1 cup of water.

Control Your Dandruff
To get dandruff under control, wet your hair and then rub a handful of bicarbonate of soda vigorously into your scalp. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Do this every time you normally wash your hair, but only use bicarbonate of soda, not shampoo. Your hair may dry out at first, but after a few weeks your scalp will start producing natural oils, leaving your hair softer and free of flaking skin.